Saturday 10 November 2012 @ 18:28 

           His voice began to dissolve slowly across the room echoing unknown words and phrases. She was flying through images of yesterday and his voice was no longer heard.

           She has landed onto the day before. Her feet touched the ground of dry leaves and small twigs. It was raining yesterday. The ground should at least be a bit damp not completely dry like this, she thought. Her legs began to form small footsteps moving forward towards the bush in the middle of the deserted land. Her pace then quickened towards it. She knew what she will be expecting behind that bush she was heading for. It was gruesome, so vivid she couldn’t get it off her head. Her heart and mind refused to continue the pace but her feet were going against her will. As she walked rapidly towards the bush, she looked back to the spot where she landed before trying to imagine going back to that safe spot. One step upon another, the sand and dirt drew her footprints but then they disappeared to the air for the wind erased the traces of evidence. Her body stopped in front of the bush. There was nothing behind the bush except for some dry leaves and twigs. How weird. Suddenly, a loud scream crying for help began to rush through her head repeating words she didn’t understand. Endlessly it begged for mercy. It was tiresome to bother.  The painful sound hurt her ears but then it danced through her mind playing her a soothing symphony. She enjoyed the climax but as the agonised cry turned into a murmur of helplessness, a flush of anger rose through her chest. She began to torture the motionless body painting her wrath onto it. It was scarlet as she remembered. It was very vivid and very much red.

           Slowly, her breath calmed. She went behind the bush to look for that bright colour. There was nothing. Not even the sounds of cry except for the twigs she had stepped on. Her lips began to curve a smile and it grew into an ear to ear smile. Then, a loud bang on the table was heard.

           “Stop smiling! I said, ‘Where were you from 1p.m. to 3p.m. yesterday?’!” The large man in front of her was scarlet with anger. His shoulders moved up and down resisting his anger onto her.

           “It was raining, very heavily. I was walking home from school.”

           “Were you walking any near this bush?” A photo was thrown in front of her. She took a glance at the awful shot of the bush. Whoever took this is very unskilful. She refused to take a good look at it because she hated bad looking photos.

           “Why, there are a lot of bushes in this town, sir.”

           “No. Look at this one again. It was raining as you said.”

           “Raining… no wonder this is a bad shot.”

           “Yes, yes. A witness said that he saw you, clearly, walking away from the bush smiling like a lunatic with your hands full of blood. How do you explain that?”

           “Oh yes. That was actually my twin. Have you met her? She was a bit stupid. Everybody hates her. Poor her.”

           “Take a look at the photo, miss!”

           “I was walking home from school.”

           “We knew that already! You were skipping school! You are a bad child! You are a bad child!” His voice panged.

           “I didn’t do it! Cassandra did it! I begged her to stop but she refused to stop. She said Emily was laughing at her because she was stupid at school. Cassandra hates it when people laugh at her. So, she said to Emily that Emily was a bad child because she always skips school. Emily laughed again and again she never wanted to stop laughing at Cassandra. So, she stopped Emily from laughing at her. Now, Cassandra is happy because no one will laugh at her anymore.” Her breath was rapid and she felt very relieved though she has blown her secret about Cassandra.

          “So, Cassandra is the one who killed Emily?”

          “Yes! There were her footprints before but the rain washed them away. But you could ask her if she did it. She wouldn’t lie. She is a good kid.”

          “I see. This interrogation has gained so many information that we needed. Thank you, miss…?”

          “My name is Cassandra.”

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