Monday 22 July 2013 @ 20:13 

        Who says I'm not doing anything worthwhile this semester holiday? I work. Like, for the first time, I finally work. Oh yeah, I'm 22 but just got a part time job? yeah yeah, I'm a noob for this but enough with the self-bashing, alright? I may not be overly excited on anything in particular at the mo but at least I'm giving myself something worthwhile to do. Also, I have developed a semi-deep interest in comic books. Havta be honest that I'm not entirely into it. The only comics that I can follow at the mo is Batman. And the villains as I recalled, are ringing up the bells of my childhood. That I once overwhelmed with the animated series but yeah, I was pretty ignorant back then. Nothing is consumed from the series but I guess the old self is beginning to appreciate something from the former life (childhood I mean). Ah~ These are rants. Just to let the self know that I'm breathing and have something to be liked, something worthwhile to be done. I miss running etc. Missing my active days. Not an athlete but still eager to act like one. It's for the sake of tomorrow. Physical wise. Better to have a good heart, to stay in shape. Being active expands the social circle too. Knowing lotsa people is building good network, hence, beneficial in many ways. And Breaking Bad is my guilty pleasure. It's literature to me. The dynamic evolution of Jesse Pinkman and Walter White's character are a self-ponder in a way. Plus it made me finally admit that Chemistry is not a blah subject after all. And I'm still not over myself drawing Amydala and Stormtroopers using coloured pencils. But not the fact that I typoed Storm into Star. Not proud of that. Ugh. Embarrassing. Alas! Turning geek ain't so easy.

Here's a photo of burning rocks from great distance. (Y)

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