Saturday 23 March 2013 @ 22:40 

        A little girl in a yellow cape was selling matches in the boulevards of Sorrowfull. She ran into a flyer that said: Help Me Find Love? The flyer has a big question mark with no pictures. The little girl picked the flyer and stared long at it. Then she took out a match and lit it. She burnt the paper and felt warm for a few moments. A homeless man and his son came to her carrying more flyers. She took out more matches, burnt the papers and soon, more people came to her with flyers in their hands. The papers are too many that the people and the little girl created a huge bonfire where everybody sit around it in a big circle.

Warmth lingered in the boulevards of Sorrowfull that night. And Love was then found.

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I know I'm not supposed to talk about you all the time, to every.body. because that means I'm flaunting. And flaunting annoys people. And annoyed people will later ask, "so, what's your progress with him?" though they can already see that there's none. And by that time, you will silently say, "nothing." and they will hear you said that word and so do you.

But then again, though it might be "nothing", I still can't stop talking about you. I don't know why.

This is almost like the feeling when I went to see my first orchestra. It feels like I'm the luckiest person on earth to have seen it. It feels like I have found definitions of my life. Though the orchestra ended at 10 p.m, it happened.

You happened.

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@ 01:09 

How fascinating that now my nights are filled with friendlier monsters and my days filled with fairies. Nowadays, I'm filled with these.



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Tuesday 12 March 2013 @ 02:38 

camne nak jadi gorgeous camni haa?

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Saturday 9 March 2013 @ 23:17 

Mental breakdown lagi.

I need a therapist.


Friday 8 March 2013 @ 09:53 

               One night I caught myself staring at my phone wallpaper and longing for security in the heart and mind. Two pair of eyes stared back at me and I suddenly felt a rush. I missed them. I missed both of them. And it was too late to call or text them. Since I don't have this routine of calling them every weekend or three times a week, I imagined texting them out of the blue, and them going all weird and worried. So I just stared at the picture of my parents and my head recalled things. A lot of things. Our angry moments, our cold fights, our laughter and good times... Slowly, I remembered that by the end of the day, despite my severe stubbornness, despite my rebellious-self, when we depart at that very petrol station where I would hop onto a bus, they always kiss my cheeks thrice, hug me tightly and say that they love me no matter what.

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              There was this one time I got so afraid of losing you, and there you were, right in front of me, smiling and said, "Oh! Hi. I was just thinking about you." It was during a hot evening in February 2012 where I was walking home, thinking about you, and you were walking home, thinking about me.

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taknak present worldlit
taknak taknak taknak
nak telan pil banyak2
jadinya tak payah ngadap muka quayum
takyah ngadap muka budak-budak pandai kelas aku

takyah present



Friday 1 March 2013 @ 02:35 


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